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Basic Statement of Principles





Democrats believe health care is a right,

Diversity is a strength,

The economy should work for everyone,

Voting is a Right ,

We need to protect our Environment,

And facts and truth matter.

A Party Platform is a

declaration of principles and policies

adopted by a political party.

The Democratic Party's National Platform

includes sections on:


Building a Stronger and Fairer Economy,

Universal Affordable, Quality Health Care,

Reforming Criminal Justice,

Protecting Civil Rights,

Combatting the Climate Crisis,

Creating a 21st Century Immigration System,

World Class Universal Education,

Restoring Democracy and Protecting Voting Rights,

and much more. 

See the entire platform here


Ken Martin

Chair of

the Democratic National Committee

ken martin.jpg

The Arizona Democratic Party's Platform includes sections on:


Diversity and Non-Discrimination,

Reproductive Rights,

Public Education


Immigration reform,

Firearm safety,

The Environment and Climate Change,

Prison Reform,

and much more.  

Read the Full Platform here:




Robert Branscomb

Arizona Democratic Party Chair


Party Members Adopt Resolutions at Statewide Meetings

The Arizona Democratic Party's most recent resolutions are:

Support of the:

For the People Act

The John Lewis Voting Rights Act

The Protect the Right to Organize Act, and

Ending the Filibuster.

For full text and older resolutions

Eric Robbins,

Chair of the

Pima County Democratic Party

The Pima County Democratic Party's Platform

includes Local Issues


Public Health,

Indigenous Peoples,

Security and Safety,

Workers' Rights,

and much more.

Resolutions of specific local matters are made from time to time. 

Read the full platform here: 


Amendments to be considered

The platform committee is proposing amendmentst of two sections of the platform.   For more information and opportunity to comment,

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